Contact Jerry Blank
Tap / click on any image below for larger view and location info.
#63000 - A bee gathers nectar from lupines blooming near Berthoud Pass, Colorado - photo by Jerry Blank

#63000 - A bee gathers nectar from lupines blooming near Berthoud Pass, Colorado

#65541 - Rose crowned sedum attracts a blue butterfly along the Silver Dollar Lake trail, Arapaho National Forest, Colorado - photo by Jerry Blank

#65541 - Rose crowned sedum attracts a blue butterfly in Colorado

#00837 - A blue copper butterfly feeding at a yellow groundsel, in Montana’s Custer Gallatin National Forest - photo by Jerry Blank

#00837 - A blue copper butterfly in Montana’s Custer Gallatin National Forest

#01950 - His ’n’ hers thistle, Dunn County, North Dakota - photo by Jerry Blank

#01950 - His ’n’ hers thistle, northwestern Dunn County, North Dakota

#70662 - A bee visits a lilac tasselflower (Emilia sonchifolia) in Horizon West Regional Park, Orange County, Florida - photo by Jerry Blank

#70662 - A bee visits a lilac tasselflower in Orange County, Florida

#70664 - A bee visits lilac tasselflowers (Emilia sonchifolia) in Horizon West Regional Park, Orange County, Florida - photo by Jerry Blank

#70664 - A bee visits lilac tasselflowers in Orange County, Florida

#09484 - A grass skipper visits mountain asters above Truman Gulch, Bridger Mountains, Montana - photo by Jerry Blank

#09484 - A grass skipper visits mountain asters in the Bridger Mountains, Montana

#10704 - A bee waits its turn as another bee feeds at wildflowers near Belgrade, Montana - photo by Jerry Blank

#10704 - A bee waits its turn as another bee feeds at wildflowers in Montana

#70380 - Gulf fritillaries (Dione vanillae) visit buttonbushes (Cephalanthus occidentalis) at Lake Hartley in Horizon West Regional Park, Orange County, Florida - photo by Jerry Blank

#70380 - Gulf fritillaries visit buttonbushes at Lake Hartley in Orange County, Florida

#02048 - A bumblebee visits a goldenrod patch at the end of summer, near Williston, North Dakota - photo by Jerry Blank

#02048 - A bumblebee visits a goldenrod patch near Williston, ND

#20072 - Honeybee visits crepe myrtle blossoms in Orange County, Florida, in springtime - photo by Jerry Blank

#20072 - A honeybee visits crepe myrtle blossoms in Florida, in springtime

#00002 - Bee on wild rose, Little Missouri National Grassland, McKenzie County, North Dakota - photo by Jerry Blank

#00002 - Bee on wild rose, Little Missouri National Grassland, McKenzie County, ND

#00003 - Ladybug on wild rose, Little Missouri National Grassland, McKenzie County, North Dakota - photo by Jerry Blank

#00003 - Ladybug on wild rose, Little Missouri National Grassland, McKenzie County, ND

Video: Bees and butterflies in Florida

#69704 - A queen butterfly (Danaus gilippus berenice), visiting butterfly needle flowers (Bidens alba) in the woodlands of central Florida - photo by Jerry Blank

#69704 - A queen butterfly visits butterfly needle flowers in central Florida

#69289 - A Palamedes swallowtail (Papilio palamedes) butterfly, visiting a lantana shrub (Lantana camara) in the woodlands of central Florida - photo by Jerry Blank

#69289 - A Palamedes swallowtail butterfly visits a lantana shrub in central Florida

#69358 - A zebra longwing butterfly (Heliconius charithonia), visiting butterfly needle flowers (Bidens alba) in the woodlands of central Florida - photo by Jerry Blank

#69358 - A zebra longwing butterfly visits butterfly needle flowers in central Florida

#70395 - A bumblebee visits partridge pea flowers (Chamaecrista fasciculata) in Horizon West Regional Park, Orange County, Florida  - photo by Jerry Blank

#70395 - A bumblebee visits partridge pea flowers in Orange County, Florida