Contact Jerry Blank
Tap / click on any image below for larger view and location info.
#70392 - Sunrise at the northwest pond, Horizon West Regional Park, FL - photo by Jerry Blank

#70392 - Sunrise at the northwest pond in Horizon West Regional Park

#69358 - A zebra longwing butterfly (Heliconius charithonia), visiting butterfly needle flowers (Bidens alba) in the woodlands of central Florida - photo by Jerry Blank

#69358 - A zebra longwing butterfly visits butterfly needle flowers

#70609 - A warm post-sunset afterglow in the clouds above Horizon West Regional Park, Orange County, Florida - photo by Jerry Blank

#70609 - A post-sunset afterglow in the clouds above Horizon West Regional Park, Orange County

#69704 - A queen butterfly (Danaus gilippus berenice), visiting butterfly needle flowers (Bidens alba) in the woodlands of central Florida - photo by Jerry Blank

#69704 - A queen butterfly visits butterfly needle flowers

#70632 - American beautyberries (Callicarpa americana) begin to ripen in Horizon West Regional Park, Orange County, Florida - photo by Jerry Blank

#70632 - American beautyberries begin to ripen in Horizon West Regional Park, Orange County

#70634 - American beautyberries (Callicarpa americana) in Horizon West Regional Park, Orange County, Florida - photo by Jerry Blank

#70634 - American beautyberries in Horizon West Regional Park, Orange County